
1855 – 16th October – Convicted at City of Wells Sessions of sheepstealing and sentenced to 4 years penal servitude.
1855 – 20th October – Extract from From The Wells Journal – William Martin, 36, was indicted for stealing a southdown hog sheep, value £1 12s 0., the property of T. R Bush, at Brislington. The whole of prosecutor’s sheep were safe in his fields on the 25th of March last, but on the following day one of them was found missing, and on his servant searching about the field the entrails of a sheep were found. A policeman, who was on duty in the Bath road on the night of the 25th, saw the prisoner there with two bundles, and on his asking the prisoner what he had with him, the latter replied ” clothes,” the bundles, however, were searched, and found to contain the whole of a sheep, excepting; the entrails, likewise a skin, which was afterwards identified by the prosecutor as belonging to his sheep. At the time committal the prisoner acknowledged the theft, but said he had never been the field before the night question. He was found guilty and the Chairman after remarking upon the seriousness of the offence, sentenced him to four years’ penal servitude.
1855 – 18th December – Confined at Northampton Prison. Listed as being a single labourer, unable to read or write, but that no other information was known about the prisoner.
1856 – 20th August – Received at Portland Prison. Prisoner number 6482. His conduct is listed as being very good or exemplary.
1859 – 3rd May – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 22.
He is described as being fresh faced, 5’10 and in proportion with brown hair and hazel eyes. His next of kin’s residence is not known. He is also recorded as having a scar on his left leg and the third finger of his left hand.
1859 – 15th October – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.