1832? – Estimated year of birth.
1855 – 22nd October – William James Scully, aged 23, was tried at the Cardiff Michaelmas Sessions and was sentenced to 4 years after having been found Guilty of larceny from the person.
1856 – 5th January –William James Scully transferred to Millbank Prison.
1857 – 31st January – Removed from Millbank Prison and transferred to Pentonville. He is given the prisoner number 6360 and is described as being unable to read or write but exhibits good behaviour.
1856 – 15th September – Received at Portland Prison, new prisoner number 6555, and his records make note of his being in an association, or communal, cell in Glasgow, for a previous crime of larceny.
1859 – 3rd May – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 26.
He is described as having a dark complexion with brown hair and hazel eyes and his height is 5’6 1/2. He is noted as being married with 2 children, being a Baptist and a labourer. In terms of identifiable marks, he has tattooed inside right arm, a tree, William James, W.J and M.A.E.N. In addition, a bracelet on wrist, above his left elbow a ship and a woman, “Maria James” is written below the elbow, and a woman, an anchor and many others on his form. His next of kin is his wife, Sarah Scully living at the Cardiff Union Workhouse.
1859 – 31st December – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.