1801 – Estimated year of birth.
1855 – 8rd March – At the Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Shrewsbury, William Davies was sentenced to 3 weeks in prison for larceny.
1855 – 15th August – William Davies is committed to a lockup or station in Wellington Staffordshire, to await trial for stealing iron.
1855 – 15th October – At the Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Shrewsbury, William Davies, aged 51, was sentenced to 4 years in prison stealing 39 qlbs (4.5Kg) of wrought iron.
1856 – 10th January – Received at Millbank Prison and designated prisoner number 1886. His behaviour here was described as good, his occupation was brickmaker and his religion, that of a ‘dissenter’: a rarity in Victorian England.
1856 – 31st January – Received at Pentonville Prison and designated prisoner number 6369. He is described as not being able to read or write, of good character but with ‘no religion’, a rarity in Victorian England.
1856 – 15th September – Received at Portland Prison and designated prisoner number 6562. His behaviour here was Good and often Exemplary.
1859 – 3rd May – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 28.
He is described as swarthy with brown hair and grey eyes, his height is 5’3 and body type is proportionate. He is noted as single, having a mark over his left eyebrow and several scars on his face. His next of kin is Edward Davies living at Puddler Rowe, Stirchley, Staffordshire.
1859 – 14th October – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.