
1835? – Estimated year of birth.
1855 – 19th June – Committed to Thames Police Constabulary for stealing 5 dresses and other articles.
1855 – 2nd July – Stephen Godfrey, a single 20-year-old lighterman, was tried at the Clerkenwell General Quarter Sessions and was sentenced to 4 years after having been found Guilty. He was remanded at Cold Bath Fields Prison.
1855 – 18th September – Removed from Coldbath Fields Prison and transferred to Millbank Prison. He is given the prisoner number 1304 and is described as being able to read and write, as having a previous conviction and his behaviour as being indifferent.
1855 – 8th November – Removed from Millbank Prison and transferred to Pentonville Prison. He is given the prisoner number 6281 and his behaviour is described as being indifferent.
1856 – 30th June – Removed from Pentonville Prison and transferred to Portland Prison. He is given the prisoner number 6232 and his behaviour is described as being indifferent.
1857 – 30th June– Reported for insularity and suspended from the prison 2nd stage diet.
1857 – 2nd September– Reported for insularity, Director recommended the suspension of the 2nd stage diet.
1858 – 22nd June – Reported for irregularity, Warder Powell write ‘the last prisoner recommended to the director to be deprived of his stages for three months’.
1858 – 31st July– Reported for insularity, punishment not recorded.
1858 – 15th September – Removed from Portland Prison and transferred to Millbank Prison. He is given the prisoner number 7745.
1858 – 18th September – Removed from Millbank Prison and transferred to Pentonville Prison. He is given the prisoner number 8223 and his previous conviction is mentioned as being for assault.
1858 – 23rd September – Removed from Pentonville Prison and transferred to Chatham Prison. He is given the prisoner number 2147
1859 – 6th May – Removed from Chatham Prison and transferred to Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 42.
He is described as fair complexioned with brown hair and hazel eyes, his height is 5’10 and body type is robust. He is noted as having a scar on his right arm and on his chest as well as being pockmarked. His next of kin is his mother, Mrs Godfrey, living at 20 St Johns street, Brick Lane, Spitalfields.
1859 – 1st July – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.