1795 – 21st September – Born in Chester.
1800 – 14th December – Baptised. It was strange for a child to be baptised at 5 years old, and not within the first year of his life, but not unheard of. His parents were listed as John Ellis and Jane Taylor. [1]
1804 – Jane Taylor, his mother, died.
1826 – 11th November – Aged 31 Joseph married 20 year old Isabella Steel, a member of the same parish (St John’s Gateshead Fell), in front of her parents Rebecca and Edward Steel. [2]

1827 – October – An unspecified accident left Joseph with limited use of his leg, forcing him to use crutches. His later prison log reported “Right leg contracted”, which was a continuous muscle contraction: a form of spasticity that can seriously affect gait and mobility.
1831 – Birth of first child John Ellis, named after Joseph’s father.
1832 – Birth of second child Rebecca Ellis, named after Isabella’s mother.
1834 – Birth of third child Jane Ellis, named after Joseph’s Mother.
1838 – Birth of fourth child Mary Ellis.
1841 – Census – Joseph and family are living amongst the coal miners of Wingate in Durham. The Wingate mine would later become famous for its 1906 disaster, where an explosion caused the deaths of 26 miners.
1856 – September – Joseph argued with his wife Isabella about a man he was jealous of. Whilst she was cleaning windows he struck her then hit her with an iron poker. One of their daughters, hearing the commotion, rushed in and interrupted the altercation.
1856 – 3rd December – Convicted of attempt to cause grievous bodily harm. The Jury counselled mercy due to his advanced age and Joseph was sentenced to 6 years.
1857 – 20th March – Received at Millbank Prison.
1857 – 16th October – Received at Lewes Prison.
1860 – 22nd March – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 249.
1862 – 1st March – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison having served 5 years and 3 months of his 6 year sentence.
1862 – 23rd April – Joseph Ellis appeared at the farmhouse that his estranged wife lodged at as housekeeper. After making some attempt at affection towards her, which she rebuffed, he attempted to stab her with various implements as she resisted.
1862 – 29th April – Arrested and held at Durham Gaol under the separate system.
1862 – July – The judge advised that money confiscated from Joseph Ellis at the time of his arrest you NOT be given to family members to pay for legal representation at his upcoming trial.
1862 – 28th July – Sentenced to 10 years Penal Service – The Judge commented that “had he not already been an old man, the sentence would be 20”.
1862 – 20th September – Received at Millbank Prison. During his time at this prison he picked oakum as his daily task.
1863 – 21st March – Received at Woking Prison. John Campbell, the chief medical Officer deemed him fit for light work.
1867 – 4th April – Ellis spent 5 days in the infirmary for age related illnesses.
1867 – 16th October – Received 3 days of close confinement on punishment diet for not picking enough oakum.
1868 – 30th April – Received 1 day of close confinement on punishment diet for loud talking on the ward and laughing at an officer when reprimanded.
1868 – 2nd December – Received 1 day of close confinement on punishment diet for “Wrangling with a fellow prisoner and not desisting when ordered”.
1870 – 7th March – Released on licence with £8,17,6 that he had earned during his sentence.
1871 – Year of death.