1831? – Estimated year of birth.
1855 – 18th October – Committed to Liverpool Gaol for using a counterfeit coin.
1855 – 1st December – John Duffy, a 24 year old shoe maker with similar previous convictions, was convicted at the Liverpool Sessions for using counterfeit silver coins and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment.
1855 – 4th December – Extract from the Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser – John Duffy, shoemaker, was charged with having, on the 10th October, uttered a counterfeit shilling, and with having also, on the 10th of the same month, uttered a counterfeit sixpence. The prisoner pleaded not guilty. Evidence was adduced, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Prisoner having been previously convicted of a similar offence, was sentenced to four years’ penal imprisonment.
1855 – 8th December – Extract from the Liverpool Mercury – John Duffy (aged 24) was indicted for having, at Liverpool, on the 19th of October, feloniously uttered a base and counterfeit shilling, having uttered a counterfeit sixpence within a period of ten days before. The prisoner was proved to have it passed the base shilling and sixpence In a beerhouse in Fazakerley street, the first payment having been made on the 10th of October, and the second on the 19th of the same month. The prisoner was found guilty, and a previous conviction having been proved against him, his lordship sentenced him to four years’ penal servitude.
1856 – 10th January – John Duffy transferred to Millbank Prison, his prisoner number is 1870. He is single, a Romanist (Roman Catholic) and can read and write imperfectly.
1856 – 15th April – John Duffy transferred to Dartmoor Prison, his prisoner number is 3505. His behaviour here is very good but his health was oftentimes delicate or rather delicate.
1857 – 10th March – John Duffy transferred to Chatham Prison, his prisoner number is 95. He is described as having scars on the right side of his neck, 2 scars on his right thigh and several marks on his left arm
1859 – 3rd April – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 36.
He is described as having a sallow complexion with dark brown hair and grey eyes and his height is 5’6 ½. As regards to previous convictions, he is listed as having been convicted 3 times and brought before a court 5 times but not charged. His notable features are pockmarked skin, a cut on his forehead, a scar on right side of neck, 2 scars on his right thigh, a scar on the right side of the groin and several moles on his left arm. There is no known next of kin.
1859 – 30th November – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.