1833? – Estimated year of birth.
1855 – 22nd December – Richard Stone committed in Chorley and transferred to a prison in Preston. His behaviour there was Good.

1856 – 2nd January – Josh Rock, metal grinder, single and aged 22, is convicted of shop-breaking at the Quarter Sessions in Preston and sentenced to 4 years penal servitude.

1856 –5th January –Extract from the Preston Chronicle – “Charles Ford, 24 and Joseph Rock, 2, breaking and entering the shop of George Elliott, at Chorley, and stealing therefrom ten pistols, twenty-three carving knives, twenty-two carving forks, eight porte monnaie[purses], three brushes, one time-piece and one time piece – Four years’ penal servitude.”
1856 – 4th March – Transferred to Millbank Prison, his prisoner number is 2272. He is listed as being Good, with 3 previous summary convictions, a Roman Catholic and his next of kin is his mother, Mary Coyle, living at Leigh Street in Chorley.
1856 – 14th April – Transferred to Pentonville Prison, his prisoner number is 6578. He is described as being Good.
1857 – 27th March – Transferred to Chatham Prison, his prisoner number is 865. He is described as very good.
1859 – 6th May – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 59.
He is described as having a fair complexion withbrown hair and grey eyes and his height is 5’6 1/2 and is generally described as having ‘a regular cut of a tramp and thief’.He is noted as being Single and as having a mole in the bend of his left arm, a mole above his left wrist and a flesh mark above his left elbow. Joseph’s behaviour in Woking was Bad and so he was swiftly moved on to Millbank.
1859– 18th July– Transferred to Millbank Prison, his prisoner number is 2272. Whilst in Millbank he switches his religion to Protestantism.
1859 – 31stDecember – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison on expiration of sentence and discharged to the Prisoner’s Aid Society in Chorley.