1822? – Estimated year of birth.
1851 – Census –Henry Williams, a shoemaker aged 29, is living with his wife Sarah, aged 25, John, aged 6 and Henry Williams, aged 2, living at 5 White Lion Road, Finsbury, London.

1855 – Henry Williams is committed to the Thames Police Constabulary.
1856 – 7th January – Extract from The Old Bailey Records –“Convicted, 177. JAMES TERRY, JAMES TURNER, and HENRY WILLIAMS [a 35 year old married shoemaker with 2 children], breaking and entering the dwelling house of William Gascoine, and stealing 3 gowns, and other articles, value 20l.; the property of James Rawson: and 1 coat and 1 handkerchief, the goods of James Joiner: to which
TERRY PLEADED GUILTY. Aged 29. — Confined Twelve Months.
TURNER PLEADED GUILTY. Aged 29. —And received a good character. — Confined Twelve Months.
WILLIAMS PLEADED GUILTY. Aged35. — Four Years Penal Servitude.”
1856 – 15th July – Transferred to Millbank Prison, his prisoner number is 2183. His record mentioned one prior conviction, when in fact it was two, hence his severe sentencing.
1857 – 17th March – Transferred to Pentonville Prison, his prisoner number is 6522. His behaviour in custody was described as “bad and good”but his behaviour at Pentonville was good. He is described as a slender person, who reads and writes well and as having 2 previous felonies.
1857 – 27th March – Transferred to Chatham Prison, his prisoner number is 852.
1858 –Harriett Williams is born, presumably the child of another man.
1859 – 6th May – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 62.
He is described as having a fair complexion with darkbrown hair and hazel eyes and his height is 5’7 and his body type is slender.He is noted as being married with 2 children and Protestant. His next of kin is his wife, Mrs William, living at 8 Abney Street, Commercial Road Stepney.
1860 – 1stJanuary – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.
1861 – Census – Henry Williams, a 41-year-old bootmaker, is living with his wife Sarah, aged 34, his son John, a 16-year-old bootmaker, his son Henry, aged 12, daughter Sarah, aged 6, Harriett, aged 3, and Emily, aged 1, living at 5 white lion road, Finsbury, London.
1871 – Census – Henry Williams, a 49-year-old shoemaker, is living with his wife Sarah, aged 45, daughter Sarah, aged 13, and Emily, aged 9, living at 3 white lion road, Finsbury, London.
1891 – Census – Henry Williams, a 71-year-old bootmaker, is living with his wife Sarah, aged 67 and working as a needlewoman for shirts at Beckford Square, London.