1826 – 26th March –David Stannard, son of Baptists Thomas and Elizabeth Stannard, is born. They are living on George Street in Hadleigh.
1841 – Census – David Stannard, a 15-year-old agricultural servant, is lodging with William Sewell, aged 30, Mary Aukes, aged 30, Marianne Sewell, a 20-year-old servant, in Spexhall.
1851 – Census –David Stannard, a 25-year-old agricultural labourer, is living with his father Thomas, a 73-year-old agricultural labourer, his mother Elizabeth, 69 years old, in Single Cottage, Shelley.
1852 – David marries Eliza Rolfe in Samford, Suffolk.
1856 – 1st January – David is committed in Ipswich and transferred to Ipswich County Gaol.
1856 –4th January –David Stannard, a married labourer with 3 children aged 30, is convicted of Sheepstealing at the General Quarter Sessions in Suffolk and sentenced to 4 years penal servitude.
1856 – 4th January – Extract from The Suffolk Chronicle; or Weekly General Advertiser & County Express –“David Stannard, 30, pleaded guilty of stealing ewe, value 50s., the property of Mr. Edward Cooper, of Higham. Sentence, four years’ penal servitude.”
1856 -23rd January – Transferred to Millbank Prison and given the prison number 2087. His behaviour here was Good.
1856 – 31st January – Extract from the Suffolk and Essex Free Press –“Removal of Convicts. — The following convicts were removed from the County Gaol, Ipswich, Mr. Alloway, the governor, on the 23rd January: —David Stannard, for stealing one ewe sheep, at four years penal servitude. This man stole a ewe sheep on the 29th of December last; was apprehended on the 30th was committed for trial on the 1st of January. On the 4th he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to four years’ penal servitude, and on the 23rd inst., was removed to the Millbank Penitentiary to undergo his sentence.”
1856 – 15th July – Transferred to Pentonville Prison, his prisoner number is 6432. His behaviour here was Good.
1857 – 7th May–Transferred to Chatham Prison, his prisoner number is 871. His behaviour here is Exemplary.
1859 – 6th May – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 65.
He is described as having a light complexion with brown hair and grey eyes and his height is 5’6.In addition, his notes state he had broken the bridge of his nose. His next of kin is his wife, Eliza Stannard living in Raydon, Hadleigh, Suffolk.
1860 – 14th January – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.
1861 – Census –David Stannard, aged 35 and working as an agricultural labourer, with his wife Eliza, aged 37, his son Walter D, aged 14 and working as an agricultural labourer, daughter Emily, aged 8, son Arthur, aged 6, daughter Ellen, aged5, at Lower Street, Raydon, Suffolk.
1871 – Census –David Stannard, aged 45, is living with his wife Eliza, aged 46, son David, aged 23, daughter Alice, aged 8, son James 6, living John Mews, Holborn, London.

1881 – 28th January –David Stannard dies and is buried in Camden.
1881 – Census – Eliza Stannard, a 56-year-old widow working as a laundress, is living with her son James, a 16-year-old grocers assistant, at 14 Johns Mews, Holborn, London.