1821? – Estimated year of birth.
1855 – 24th October – George James committed in Salford for stealing keys.
1855 – 3rd December – At the General Sessions of the Peace held at and Salford, George James a 34-year-old married clerk, was convicted of stealing 5 bells and 6 keys and sentenced to four years penal servitude.
1856 – 14th January – George James transferred to Wakefield Prison, his prisoner number is 3903. For the first few weeks he is invalided but his behaviour and health improve over time.
1856 – 30th December – George James transferred to Dartmoor Prison.
1858 – 18th July – George James transferred to Chatham Prison, his prisoner number is 1575. He is described as being Good or Very Good during his stay.
6th – June – 1859 – Received at Woking Convict Invalid Prison. Prisoner Number 40.
He is described as having a sallow complexion with dark brown hair and brown eyes and his height is 5’9 1/4 and his body slender. He is noted as being married but with no children, protestant and pock-pitted skin.
1859 – 2nd December – Released from Woking Convict Invalid Prison.